Friday, September 30, 2011

it's my opioion

it's my opinion:

  Did you see this one?

He may have a future yet.

By Ed Flanagan, NBC News
BEIJING – For all the grief the Obama administration is getting from China for filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization about Chinese tariffs on American chicken exports, perhaps the president should be suing China for royalties instead.
We’ve seen Obama peddle chicken for Kentucky Fried Chicken in Hong Kong, so it was just a matter of time before he broke loose and got his own franchise here in the mainland.
Obama Fried Chicken, or at least what we assume OFC stands for, was found earlier this week in Beijing and comes with the slogan written underneath in Chinese: “We’re so cool, aren’t we?”

Thanks to the team at Shanghaiist for the photo.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Photos: Unwinding In Estes Park Colorado | Denver Post Media Center — Denver, Colorado, Photos and Video

Photos: Unwinding In Estes Park Colorado | Denver Post Media Center — Denver, Colorado, Photos and Video:

'via Blog this'we like our hunting and fishing there in Colorado.But you need to know what gun or what type of fly to use for best results. This poor guy was just out looking for some fun. End up with out bagging anything today?
more photos at (

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Americans who are we really

Enter video caption her
I know that most of us have seen this video by now. And it is amazing! These people deserve all the accolades and praise that is being heaped upon them. Their actions were incredibly heroic and extremely dangerous. I’m sure that if you spoke with any one of them right after this event, they would have said they did not think about the danger they put themselves in at the time. Just strangers coming forward to help yet another stranger in distress. (Good Samaritans all of them.)
But I didn’t choose this video for the reason of pointing out their great courage and sacrifice. However, I would like you to take a look at the overall makeup of this group of people. Old, young, male, female, white black and every color in between. Construction worker, businessman, people just walking down a street, and without notice came to someone’s aid.
But as I said, I didn’t pick this video or this topic of heroism. I’ll use it to just point out the diversity of this particular group. It helps make my point,
Americans who are we really? We all know that in the beginning of the United States, when it was just the Colony’s, it was a group of people who came to a new land looking for a better life. Scientists have been able to trace the American Indian, up through Canada, across Alaska and the Bering Straits, to Asia and Eastern Europe.
Americans who are we really? If you ask someone on the street today who they are? You will get answers like (I don’t know /I’m African American/I’m a Mexican American/Italian, Irish, or any number of other ethnic groups, and it’s true our ancestors all came from somewhere else. I believe that having pride in one’s heritage is great. We need to keep in mind that our forefathers came here as foreigners, aliens in a new country . They worked hard, fought hard, and soon became the first Americans. Our forefathers were both proud of being where they were from and where they are now from.
Americans who are we really? We are a group of people whose heritage stretches beyond our shores. We are people who work together for common good, live together in harmony, raise our family’s educator young, and look forward to a better tomorrow.
Americans who we really? Just take another look at this video. Look at how a group of people who may have had nothing in common before this accident, came together for a common good.
Americans who are we really? We are the best of all who came before us. Although our forefathers struggled, fought and suffered. They gave us the distinct privilege to call ourselves Americans.
Americans who are we really? We are Americans of different and disdain ethnic origins, We are American first and then African/ Hispanic /Irish /Italian or any other ethnic background that you would like to claim. We’re also Jewish/ Catholic/ Protestant/ Muslim /Hindu/ Buddhist/Atheist. We are Republican/Democrat/Independent or not political at all. We are a country as colorful as the rainbow and as different as night is to day.
Americans who are we really? We’re a group of people working, playing and living in harmony. We can be walking down a busy street and when the need arises, we can take action to help one another without the worry that our forefathers had and others in other countries have to worry about today.
Americans who are we really? We are united people who enjoy the freedoms that is rarely seen in other parts of the world. Our diversity is what makes us strong. Which brings me back to the video. People from different walks of life and different ethnic backgrounds working for the common good of us all. Some of us were born here because that’s where our forefathers left us. Others chose to come here seeking what our forefathers built and we have. We all want a piece of the good life. A life guaranteed to us by a constitution, laws and a right to choose our own leaders,
Americans who are we really? Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, neighbors, friends and strangers living independently—in a united community— the good old U.S. of A.
Americans who are we really?
I know that most of us have seen this video by now. And it is amazing! These people deserve all the accolades and praise that is being heaped upon them. Their actions were incredibly heroic and extremely dangerous. I'm sure that if you spoke with any one of them right after this event, they would have said they did not think about the danger they put themselves in at the time. Just strangers coming forward to help yet another stranger in distress. (Good Samaritans all of them.)
But I didn't choose this video for the reason of pointing out their great courage and sacrifice. However, I would like you to take a look at the overall makeup of this group of people. Old, young, male, female, white black and every color in between. Construction worker, businessman, people just walking down a street, and without notice came to someone’s aid.
But as I said, I didn't pick this video or this topic of heroism. I’ll use it to just point out the diversity of this particular group. It helps make my point,
Americans who are we really? We all know that in the beginning of the United States, when it was just the Colony's, it was a group of people who came to a new land looking for a better life. Scientists have been able to trace the American Indian, up through Canada, across Alaska and the Bering Straits, to Asia and Eastern Europe.
Americans who are we really? If you ask someone on the street today who they are? You will get answers like (I don't know /I’m African American/I'm a Mexican American/Italian, Irish, or any number of other ethnic groups, and it's true our ancestors all came from somewhere else. I believe that having pride in one's heritage is great. We need to keep in mind that our forefathers came here as foreigners, aliens in a new country . They worked hard, fought hard, and soon became the first Americans. Our forefathers were both proud of being where they were from and where they are now from.
Americans who are we really? We are a group of people whose heritage stretches beyond our shores. We are people who work together for common good, live together in harmony, raise our family's educator young, and look forward to a better tomorrow.
Americans who we really? Just take another look at this video. Look at how a group of people who may have had nothing in common before this accident, came together for a common good.
Americans who are we really? We are the best of all who came before us. Although our forefathers struggled, fought and suffered. They gave us the distinct privilege to call ourselves Americans.
Americans who are we really? We are Americans of different and disdain ethnic origins, We are American first and then African/ Hispanic /Irish /Italian or any other ethnic background that you would like to claim. We're also Jewish/ Catholic/ Protestant/ Muslim /Hindu/ Buddhist/Atheist. We are Republican/Democrat/Independent or not political at all. We are a country as colorful as the rainbow and as different as night is to day.
Americans who are we really? We're a group of people working, playing and living in harmony. We can be walking down a busy street and when the need arises, we can take action to help one another without the worry that our forefathers had and others in other countries have to worry about today.
Americans who are we really? We are united people who enjoy the freedoms that is rarely seen in other parts of the world. Our diversity is what makes us strong. Which brings me back to the video. People from different walks of life and different ethnic backgrounds working for the common good of us all. Some of us were born here because that's where our forefathers left us. Others chose to come here seeking what our forefathers built and we have. We all want a piece of the good life. A life guaranteed to us by a constitution, laws and a right to choose our own leaders,
Americans who are we really? Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, neighbors, friends and strangers living independently---in a united community--- the good old U.S. of A.
Americans who are we really?011's Blog

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Robert2feather2011's Blog

Robert2feather2011's BlogDid you know who said these things.
15 Sep
Great Truths
1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. — John Adams
2. If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed. — Mark Twain
3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself. — Mark Twain
4. I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. — Winston Churchill
5. A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. — George Bernard Shaw
6. A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to payoff with your money. — G. Gordon Lady
7. Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. — James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)
8. Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. — Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University
9. Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. — P.J. O’Rourke, Civil Libertarian
10. Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. — Frederic Bastiat, French economist(1801-1850)
11. Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. — Ronald Reagan(1986)
12. I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. — Will Rogers
13. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free! — P.J. O’Rourke
14. In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other. — Voltaire(1764)
15. Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you! — Pericles (430B.C.)
16. No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session. — Mark Twain(1866)
17. Talk is cheap…except when Congress does it. –Anonymous
18. The government is like a baby’s alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. — Ronald Reagan
19. The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. — Winston Churchill
20. The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. — Mark Twain
21. The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. — Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)
22. There is no distinctly Native American criminal class…save Congress. — Mark Twain
23. What this country needs are more unemployed politicians. — Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)
24. A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. — Thomas Jefferson
25. We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. –Aesop
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2.What one person receives without working for…another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation! Can you think of a reason for not sharing this? Neither could I……
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Robert2feather2011's Blog

Robert2feather2011's Blog

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

just think about it

Just think about it

14 Sep
alfredObama 3
How much of this can we take?
How long can we take it.
rossron p
It time to get on course.
witch way do we go
The cats in the bag
cat in the bag
It time to take control of the future?
what happens in DC stays in DC
what happens in DC doesn’t always stay in DC
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Breaking News Washington, DC/New York City

9 Sep
After yesterday’s announcement about a possible terrorist attack on Washington, DC or NYC , government officials are taking steps to beef up security in both cities. They announced yesterday they have credible, but unconfirmed sources, that indicated a possible attack on either city, sometime during the 10th anniversary of the 911 attacks. It was amazing to see police and National Guardsmen in full combat gear sporting automatic assault weapons. But the report on the news showed most New Yorkers taking it in stride. (Bomb sniffing dogs and vehicle inspections. ) Access into the city slowed because of the threat. City officials have set up spot checks and vehicle search’s on all bridges and tunnels leading into the city. It’s an amazing thing to watch on TV. It reminded me more of the Middle East/or someplace like Israel, not the largest city in the United States. Sometimes I view what’s going on with terrorist, as something out of the middle ages. A third crusade. You’d think that after all this time that man has inhabited the earth we would have found common ground or a way to get along. Animals kill their own kind for survival. Humans kill their own kind out of greed, stupidity and ignorance. We must be a truly great embarrassment to our creator.

In a related story out of Mayberry
When the news of the possible terrorist attacks reach Mayberry, Sheriff Andy Taylor Jr. and the city felt it necessary to issue Deputy Barney Fife Jr. a fully loaded gun. Mayor Gomer Pyle III expressed his deep concern about the necessity of issuing live ammunition to Deputy Fife. Mayor Pyle was quoted saying, “ he was not sure who posed the greatest threat to the community, Deputy Fife or international terrorist organization.”
Other prominent residents of Mayberry have been overheard saying, “they would take extra precautions during the 911 remembrance this weekend and we’re looking forward to Monday morning when Sheriff Tailor would again resign Deputy Fife to his normal allotment of ammunition.” Hopefully this weekend will be a quiet and respectful time for remembrance that way on Monday we can find other things to worry about.
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President Obama’s jobs speech on TV

8 Sep
obama 3I was out bicycle riding this event and stop by one of the local restaurants. I thought I might catch some of the President’s speech before Congress. I have to admit it was more like a halftime locker room pep talk. Better than I’ve heard in quite a while. I think the President hit a couple of good notes. Not exactly new ones, but one or two that will resonate well with most all the American people. We’ve needed jobs, we need a stronger economy and we need the people who we put into office to represent us, to do their jobs. I agree with the President on that point. But the truth is that his program sounded very similar to another post World War II program. Putting people to work under government program. Government sponsored and paid programs will only work in the short term. It seems to me that the majority of the President’s speech sounded like the old CCC work programs that our fathers participated in before and after the war. My parents said it did work for a while but even they knew then that the private sector was the only place to build and maintain any kind of long-term jobs.
Some of the notes that the President hit on, although old ones, were pure music. Others sounded like he was beating on a steel drum that had not yet been tuned. Although I agreed with the part about dismantling some of the cumbersome regulations that inhibit growth in the private sector, but some of the other ones are going to fall on deaf ears.
President Obama was not my choice in the last election and he will not be my choice in the next one either. I did notice, however, that he did get a few standing O’s from both sides of the house. As I said earlier it was a good halftime locker room speech. Let’s all hope that it was good enough to pull the whole team together. We need to come out strong in the second half. Score first and score often. The game’s not over until it’s over so it’s time for Washington LSD to get off the bench and get us all back in the game.
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Look what happened while I was looking for my keys.

7 Sep
truck1truck 2
Sometimes it just doesn’t pay to set the keys down, and they say kudzu grows fast. Just a little country humor LOL I did.
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just for fun, get your groove on you all?

3 Sep
the preza
Prom night at the White House, Washington LSD.
The president’s new job plan. If you can’t beat ‘em-join’em. Let’s hope after a speech next week we can all be dancing with the bucks $$$, new jobs and a growing economy. Otherwise many Americans will be in the streets(I don’t know about dancing in the streets) but they’ll be in the streets. Just kidding
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under the table or through the back door

25 Aug
Try this!
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS… At age 76 when you most need it, you are not eligible for cancer treatment.

What Nancy Pelosi didn’t want us to know until after the healthcare bill was passed.
Remember she said, "pass it and then read it!!." Well, Here it is!
______________________________ Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number THE CARE BILL HB 3200
Judge Kithil of Marble Falls, TX – highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200
Please read this…….. especially the reference to pages 58 & 59
** Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
** Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
** Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – ACORN).
** Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax.
** Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors’ fees.
** Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient’s age.
** Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion;however, communities may petition for an exception.
** Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)
** Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.
HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:
"Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. Members of Congress are already exempt from the Social Security system, and have a well-funded private plan that covers their retirement needs. If they were on our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick ‘fix’ to make the plan financially sound for their future."
- Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls, Texas All of the above should give you the ammo you need to support your opposition to Obama care.Please send this information on to all of your email contacts.
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Eastern Rumblings Not Caused By A Quake? (via Samuel at Gilgal) (via blogsense-by-barb)

24 Aug
We need to get the work done now. Let our founding fathers rest. They’ve already done their job. Like any father they expected more from us and we ought to expect more from ourselves.
Eastern Rumblings Not Caused By A Quake? (via Samuel at Gilgal) Wouldn't surprise me a bit!!!!!! There is a reliable rumor going around that says the rumblings we felt on Tuesday in the eastern United States were not caused by an earthquake. Instead, they were the result of the combined energy of our Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves. … Read Morevia Samuel at Gilgal … Read More
via blogsense-by-barb
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Sometimes You Have To Listen To The Past To Understand The Future (via Reese On The Radio)

20 Aug
What more can you say! He was smarter then, then some of the pepole in DC are now Archie for president.He could have me vote?
Read More
via Reese On The Radio
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A plead for action/a need for action

19 Aug
1930s 2I came of age in the last years of the JFK administration. I wasn’t old enough to vote, I wasn’t old enough to drink. But I sure was old enough to be drafted, so you understand that I’ve been around for awhile. I’ve seen political fights before and I scratched my head then as I am now. I spent the last couple weeks watching what’s been going on in Iowa. I watched the political debates, and the straw polls. I’ve been a longtime Republican and I’m ashamed to admit that the questions asked were better thought out and better understood then the answers given.
I believe that there may be a few good candidates in the running, but I will not be disappointed if a couple of good people decide a little later to throw their hat into the ring. A number of candidates that are currently running certainly have a chance to beat President Obama. But from what I’m hearing from the candidates, at the moment, I’m not feeling all that confident about whether they really have a plan to turn this country around.
I realize that we have 15 months to hear what the candidates have to say. Hopefully one or two will move out ahead and be able to explain to us want they well do and how they might accomplish the revitalizing of the American economy.
I can’t believe it when you turn on the news and all you hear is that the President is on vacation. The Congress and the Senate won’t be back until September. I hope that they are enjoying it because I am recently retired and I find myself out looking for work again. Go figure!!!
I hope that the American people realize that it is not just a strong President that we will need, but a strong House’ a strong Senate and Conservative Judges. This is the best way to make our government’s work the way it was meant to. We need some give and take to hammer out a plan now. If we wait for the 2012 elections, I don’t think our system will be able to recover the losses, both monetarily and socially. I also believe that a lot of families, older Americans and people who are struggling now, will not survive another prolong recession. Nor the continuing losses we’re taking in our savings or be able to stand the volatility of the stock market.
I wasn’t old enough to be able to remember the great depression of my parents and grandparents day. But they made sure that my brothers, sisters and I knew what they went through. I certainly don’t want to have to live through a similar circumstances.
Freedom never was and never will be free/ monetary freedom will also be expense. I urge everyone/anyone who read these words to take the time and let you’re Representatives know that we can’t wait 15 months, we need them to take action now, we need them to negotiate in good faith, we need both sides to make concessions. We need actions not words.
We need the America of our forefathers, we need the America that we were promised, we need the American that we Americans deserve and we want it now!

Thank you to anyone who reads these words,. Thank you to anyone who takes action on this. It’s time that we give our Representatives an earful of what we want. They do work for us anyway don’t they?
1930sthumbnailCACCG13M1930s 3
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Entitlement the new 4 letter word 4 the 21st century

12 Aug
blog phot 2 In the 1930s after the depression, when our government decided that they would institute in new social program. One that would secure the future for all Americans. They introduced a program called Social Security. At that time it was the save all program 0f all-time. The U.S. government that is Congress, the Senate, and the President decided it would be in our best interest if they, had our employers deducted from our income a small amount of money each payday. At that time they promised to put that money in what was to be known as the Social Security Trust fund, Over time this trust fund would grow , it would helps support older Americans in their later years.

At that time the American people were told that the money would be held in the Social Security Trust fund and that the money would be used to continue to make the fund grow. Over the last seven decades our elected officials have found numerous ways to siphon money out of the Social Security Trust fund. Over the last couple of years we the American people have been told that there never was a Social Security Trust fund. Now I don’t know about you, but to me what they have done smacks of almost a criminal act. I’m not sure we can actually say who is guilty. I don’t know who you can actually point the finger at and say what did you do with my money.

Now, so that they can cover up any possible wrongdoings, and to point a finger away of them, our government representatives are now calling the Social Security fund an entitlement program. Again, I don’t know about you, but the monies that they have siphoned out of the Social Security fund, and in that, they have used, this money in ways that were not best used for the American people who believed that our government (Elected officials) would do with the money as it promised.

Entitlement to me—means that: it is something that I am entitled to. Not because it is a hand out, but because it is a program and I unwillingly, but necessarily participated in. The government did not have us sign a waiver saying that they would not take my money, they just took it. Webster’s dictionary defines entitlement as “to give a legal right to/to qualify for something”. Don’t you believe that, by the fact that we’ve all participated in and funded with our own hard earned money, that this justifies the fact that we are entitled to and should receive the monies promised under the original social security act?

I know that modern times have put a strain on this system. The fact is that the people in office at that time this law was enacted probably never envisioned the enormous demand that the system would get at any time in the future. I think we all realize that something must be done to correct this problem (and done soon.) We need to let our representatives know that we support change, but don’t deny us all we have worked so hard for.

Don’t take a simple word from the English language and make it into a four letter word for the 21st century. We’ve worked hard for and we are entitled to receive the benefits of our investment. It does not take a genius to be able to figure out how to do the right thing.
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