Actually I don’t do any holiday, not that I’m a Scourge. I’m not the Grinch who stole Christmas either.
The holidays of my youth, seen through the joy, filled eyes of someone with a little less experience of how things work in this world. That joy has long since faded. Life in those early years was full of wonder and excitement. A sense of something very special. Oh aye! It was a day off from school, playing in the snow, and a couple of gifts, a big dinner with the family and a trip to church to hear about the amazing child born over 2000 years ago. The whole experience had a very special feel to it. The warmth of friends and family gathered together in celebration. But it was more than that. It had a sense of belonging to something bigger.
I have grown older, wiser (but maybe a bit cynical) the friends and family have grown up and moved away. Life has taken on different meanings and responsibilities. Santa Claus doesn’t come down the chimney, but the credit card bill does come in the mail. Holidays of all kinds are expensive. I believe that we’ve lost the ability to just enjoy life without the extra expenses of supporting the holiday scenario.
Let’s just take a look at what Christmas would cost a family of four. Mom and Dad and two children. So Mom and Dad both work, both get the day before and Christmas Day off. They both get paid holiday pay. These are your average everyday hard working people so we’re going to assume they get holiday pay for the two days somewhere around $525.
Holiday dinner for four people with all the fixings and trimmings runs about $125. A video game for junior about $60.00. So being fair, they also have to spend the same amount of money on the other child $60.00. Mom buys something for Dad. Dad buys something for Mom about $125 each (250.00). Of course we can’t forget Grandma and Grandpa. Four more gifts at $60.00 each ($240.00). This is just the immediate family; don’t forget brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins ($300.00). You also had Christmas cards, stamps and those gifts that you bought for the office ($125.00). But you’re not done yet? Neighbors, friends and the post person. The list goes on, but I don’t think there’s a reason to go on, you get the picture. Holidays are expensive. Dinner gifts and miscellaneous items $1010 minus you’re holiday pay $525 leaves $585 not covered under the holiday pay.
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we should give up our holidays. I just can’t remember where it went from a celebration of something very special, to a commercial endeavor.
Black Friday is meant to put commerce in black ink for that period. It’s meant to put retailers over the top for the year. When in fact Black Friday will put most consumers into the red ink for much longer.
I don’t know what’s wrong with this picture?
I’m sorry I just don’t do holidays///enjoy your holiday
Best wishes for the New Year
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